Monday, January 30, 2012

Math Monkey Star of the Month - Hewitt Yu 數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星—俞瑋琛

Hewitt has been learning Math Monkey over a year from Lemur troop to Chimpanzee troop.  Hewitt pays high attention at class and his homework are properly well done and always in tidy.  He enjoys so much in the game that he is actively involved himself.

Hewitt just won the bronze prize of Level 2 at Vedic Math Competition 2011. We look forward to promoting him to Orangutan, Level 3, and learn more Vedic Math techniques that could bring him to higher standard level in Math.

For more information about children math, please visit



Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy Lunar New Year from Math Monkey!

12個生肖中象徵最好最吉祥的,預祝 Math Monkey的家長及學生:

龍馬精神  萬事如意
學業猛進  鯉躍龍門!
