Friday, January 17, 2014

數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星 – Marcus Mabey (Dec 2013)


在遊戲為本的課堂中,Marcus無論在Lemur課堂學習或遊戲過程中都展示出卓越5大腦部能力(專注力,視覺處理,記憶,邏輯推理和思考速度), 運用各種技巧準確快速拆解數學問題,實在是其他同學的好榜樣,成為2013年壓軸每月之星當之無愧。

恭喜Marcus獲選為數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心的十二月之星 !希望他日後在各方面可以繼續運用在中心所學到的技能解決日常生活里遇见的各種難題。

Marcus is seven years old, he is student of ESF Clearwater Bay School. Marcus has been studying at Math Monkey Education Center (Kowloon Bay) for almost two years.

Marcus thought that Math Monkey’s course was fun to learn. In the game-based classroom, he has demonstrated excellence in 5 five brain abilities (concentration, visualization, memory, logic reasoning and processing speed) both in Lemur classroom learning and during the course of game.

He can solve mathematical problems accurately and quickly by using variety of techniques. Marcus is a good example for other students and deserved to be the star of the month.

Congratulations to Marcus! Keep applying skills learnt in daily life!

想查詢更多有關數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心,請瀏覽 / For more details about math monkey , please visit :

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