Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Math Monkey Star of the Month 數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星 – Ivan Fan 范竣喬 (Jan 2014)



數猴皇一直鼓勵孩子們留心遊戲規則去贏得比賽,因為遊戲為本的學習模式能有效提升數學頭腦的發展。他在進行遊戲時的態度體現出數猴皇的遊戲教育理念! 真正做到寓學習於玩樂,實在是其他孩子的學習榜樣!

Congratulations! For 2014, the first "Star of the Month" is Ivan Fan!

Ivan is eight years old, a student of Fukien secondary school affiliated school. He joined Math Monkey Education Center (Kowloon Bay) for six months, now he is studying Chimpanzee course.

He is humble and polite. In addition to his outstanding performance in Vedic Math, Ivan discovered relationships between game rules and winning strategies in game time, so he can react quickly to win the game by using logical thinking.

Math Monkey has been encouraging children to pay attention to the game rules, because the game-based learning effectively enhances the development of MathBrain. Ivan’s good attitude during the game reflects Math Monkey’s philosophy of education - Integrating learning with fun! Ivan is a good role model for his classmates! Keep it up!

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