Thursday, March 15, 2012

Math Monkey Star of the Month - Audrey Chan 數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星—Audrey Chan

Audrey Chan, 4 years old girl joined Math Monkey, Ho Man Tin Centre 6 months ago.
We appreciate for her effort to build strong foundation of 1-30.  Audrey can give us confident answer for sequencing and relation between numbers.

Audrey’s hand-eye co-ordination and logical thinking had significant improvement while participating in the game session, and picking up the correct number from the number table. Game part in Math Monkey always motivates Audrey to keep on increasing her concentration time-span and doing her work continuously.

Audrey’ improved attitude towards finishing work quickly makes her star of this month.

For more information about learning math, please visit 

Audrey Chan是一位四歲的 數猴皇醒目兒童中心學生, 於半年前加入何文田的分校. Audrey不斷認真地學習數字基礎令她能自信地回答各種有關1-30之次序及關係的問題.

從數字表選取正確答案及遊戲過程中可見Audrey的手眼協調及分析能力有著明顯的進步. Audrey的專注力并隨著遊戲中的參予而增加, 令課堂習作得以迅速完成.

她於課堂上的進步使她成為 數猴皇醒目兒童中心 的二月之星.


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