Tuesday, May 15, 2012





為配合灣仔分校之成立,數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心(灣仔分校)將於開放日提供課程諮詢服務及試堂優惠,報名請電 2529 2400 (名額有限,額滿即止)



Math Monkey Education Centre was now disembark in Wanchai district, the grand opening of Math Monkey Centre have the celebration with this big event held on 20th May 2012 (Sunday) in Wanchai Branch.

According to Ms. Karen Kwan the C E O & President of Math Monkey Education Centre (Hong Kong) said, “In Wanchai area collective most schools; residential and commercial buildings, flow near density in everywhere. We would like bring “Math Learning Fun” to every kid in anywhere, our new branch was in convenience located providing different venue for parents and kids make a choice attend class, more liable to be touch with the math and enjoy math.” We act in assort with our new establish branch in Wanchai, The Math Monkey Education Centre (Wanchai Branch) will furnish very knowledgeable curriculum and provide preferential an experiment class in the open day.

Address: Unit D, 2/F, Thomson Commercial Building, 8 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

P.S. Free Trial Class ticket available at Open Day, please call 2529 2400 for details (Seats Valuable)

For more details, please visit: www.mathmonkey.com.hk

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