Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Math Monkey Star of the Month - Crystal Lai 數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星- Crystal Lai

Math Monkey Star of the Month - Crystal Lai
數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星- Crystal Lai

Crystal Lai今年7歲, 在入讀數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心何文田分校過去一年,無論在計算速度, 準確度,以致學習數學的投入度,均有顯著的進步和改變。
剛入學時,Crystal對算術沒有很大信心。現在Crystal已能充分掌握三位或以上數目的加減數,並正逐步了解乘數表中數字間的關係。而且, Crystal現在更會開心地主動提出希望於數學上接受新挑戰。Crystal於功課表現和學習態度上的進步,著實令家長和老師們深感高興。



Crystal Lai, 7.5 years old girl, joined Math Monkey Education Center Ho Man Tin since 2011 summer. She is a quiet girl with so much of naughtiness hidden in her. We have seen a significant improvement in her progress especially in trying different methods and new concepts. She is much comfortable to do large numbers addition and subtraction, and understanding the relationship of numbers in multiplication table.
Math Monkey has helped her to be a Math-loving person as compared to the time she joined us. She now feels proud of taking challenges and coming up with correct answers confidently. She likes to do Math happily.
We recommend Crystal to be star of the month as our aim to make kids Math-loving is fulfilled with her.
For more information about vedic math, please

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