Thursday, March 07, 2013

數猴皇每月之星 Math Monkey Star of the month

數猴皇每月之星 - 張浚樂 (二月之星2013)

張浚樂於2011年參加數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心(九龍灣分校)課程,我們見證著他由Green Monkey課程開始讀至現在的Lemur課程。我們不但看著他在數學中不斷成       長,更看著他改善了與朋友間相處之道。他雖然只是一個幼稚園學生,但已能解釋基本的加減法,也曾在課堂當小老師,向其他同學解釋數學。在遊戲方面,他喜歡與同學合作,更不時協助老師維持秩序。
我們很高興張浚樂獲選為Math Monkey的二月之星 ,希望他日後在各方面獲得更好的成績。

如想了解更多資訊,可瀏覽 :

Math Monkey Star of the month - Amos Cheung (Feb 2013)

Amos has been studying at Math Monkey Kowloon Bay Center since 2011 and started at Green Monkey level. We are impressed by his improvement on both Math knowledge and behaviors. Being a K3 student and study at Lemur level, he can explain addition and subtraction well to his classmates. This is not an easy job.  Besides, he is a good assistance in the class and willing to be the little teacher to help others understand Math concepts. During the game section, Amos enjoys playing with other kids and he can get along well with classmates.
We are proud to see Amos has such improvement. Congratulations and keep it up!

For more information about math monkey, please visit :

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