Sunday, November 27, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Math Monkey Booth at Emperor Plaza (Tsuen Wan)

Math Monkey Education Center (Tsuen Wan) will have a booth at Emperor Plaza this Saturday and Sunday (Nov 26 & 27).  Parents will know more about our Vedic Math curriculum and the game-based lesson there.  Children will get a free trail lesson if they register Math Assessment.  With a curriculum that understands children, math is fun at Math Monkey.  The details of the event are as the following:

Date: November 26 & 27, 2011 (Sat & Sun)
Time          : 10:30 am - 8:30 pm
       : Emperor Plaza, G/F, 55 Chung On St, Tsuen Wan, Kowloon.
(Tsuen Wan MTR Exit B)
Content:        A new Game-based Teaching Model into the magic of India’s ancient Vedic Math system which simplifies all complicated calculations so that children are easy to navigate and master the tricks of mathematics at a pleasant environment.

For enquiry, please call Math Monkey Education Center (Tsuen Wan) at 3590 3298 or visit

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Vedic Math Competition 2011

Math Monkey 香港教育中心及香港吠陀數學學會 十一月十九日假西九龍理大香港專上學院舉辦之第三屆吠陀數學比賽 及 遊戲邀請賽 頒獎典禮圓滿結束 當日參賽人數100, 全場共19位獲頒三等奬, 18位獲二等奬, 8位獲一等奬及6獲頒發總冠軍。


Friday, November 11, 2011

Math Monkey @ Oriental Daily, 11 Nov 2011: Children love Mathematics

[20111111日東方日報] 數學,是抽象難明,抑或好玩有趣?其實視乎教學手法!專門開辦兒童數學課程的 Math Monkey,引進古印度的運算系統 Vedic Math ,衍生多個簡單易明的計算原理,再配合多元化的教學遊戲,讓孩子用極短時間計出準確答案。導師會跟小朋友說:「我們先玩個遊戲,對着印有數字的座標拋呼拉圈,看看拋中哪個數字?再把數字相加起來,看看誰得分最高?」數學,原來一點也不乏味呢!

如想知更多關於Math Monkey,歡迎瀏覽

Math Monkey Star of the Month - Alfred Yau

Alfred Yau, a sweet little boy aged 5 years old, enjoys playing a lot like other kids. He used to give answer with less confidence and used to reply on peeking at other classmates answer. When Alfred first enrolled with Math Monkey HoManTin center, he needed his parents assistance to finish his homework.

Now, after grasping the concepts of Addition and Number Bonds, we see wonderful improvement in him as he has gained a lot of confidence, getting much more disciplined and socializing with his classmates when playing the games. He no longer needs any help from his parents and feels proud of himself for finishing his work correctly and quickly to get another BIG sticker! With this much improvement, Alfred was the perfect choice for the star of October.

邱梓豪今年五歲,今年暑假入讀 Math Monkey 何文田分校。

Awarding Ceremony Of Vedic Math Competition 2011

The Awarding Ceremony Of Vedic Math Competition 2011 will be held on November 19, 2011 (Saturday) at 5 p.m. in HKCC West Kowloon Campus. All joined students and parents are welcome to bring relatives and friends to attend the awards ceremony!

The following is the information for the ceremony. If you have any question, please call your corresponding MathMonkey education center or 2307 1028 for more information.

DateNovember 19, 2011 (Saturday)
PlaceHKCC West Kowloon Campus, Room N203
Time : 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
ContentMath Games between all Math Monkey Centers, Guest Speaker, Ms Anita Chow shares on ‘How to start the potential of the brain and creative thinking?’, and the prize awarding ceremony on Vedic Math Competition 2011.

For more information, please visit

第三屆吠陀數學比賽 頒獎典禮將於1119(星期六)下午五時在理大香港專上學院西九龍校園舉行,歡迎家長携帶親戚朋友莅臨參加頒獎典禮!

以下是 頒獎典禮的資料,如果您有任何問題,請打電話給您相應的 Math Monkey教育中心或致電2307 1028 查詢。

地點:理大香港專上學院 西九龍校園 N203
時間 : 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
內容:數學遊戲邀請賽、嘉賓周家儀小姐分享【如何啟動腦部潛力, 發揮創意思維】及第三屆吠陀數學比賽頒獎典禮儀式

如想知更多關於Math Monkey,歡迎瀏覽

Monday, November 07, 2011






或許我們偶爾忘卻了,真正學習的是小朋友,而不是家長。雖然小朋友未必攤有選擇的能力,但我們卻可以觀察得到他們的喜好。須知道的,要在任何一個範疇能夠取得成功,都是本身擁有濃烈興趣的,古今中外無一例外。你幾乎沒有可能找到歷史上任何一位作家不喜歡文字,或任何一位音樂家不太喜歡音樂。當中不少天才音樂家,就是天生就對音樂十分喜愛,甚至達到發燒程度。這個分別決定一切 一位極渴望彈琴的小朋友每天自發地練習四小時,遠勝每天被強逼每天苦練八小時的小朋友。因為在過程中,懷著極大興趣的小朋友會全神貫注地做一件事,為自己尋求突破,每分每秒也有得著;沒有熱情的小朋友,只會苦等時間過去,心神也不會放在面前的事,到最後也是在蹉跎著時間。


Math Monkey (Hong Kong) Ltd

Saturday, November 05, 2011


在不影響人格發展以及家庭關係的前提下,數學比賽可以鍛練小朋友的獨立性並且增加自信與膽量。比賽可以幫助他們正面成長,多參加比賽是一件不錯且有意義的活動。香港每年都有大大小小的數學比賽,家長可以考慮給予小朋友機會發揮。吠陀數學比賽正是這個原因舉行第三屆,今日是最後一日報名第三屆吠陀數學比賽,過了今日就要等明年才可以參加,未交報名表的小朋友,快些去附近的 Math Monkey 報名!!