Friday, November 11, 2011

Math Monkey Star of the Month - Alfred Yau

Alfred Yau, a sweet little boy aged 5 years old, enjoys playing a lot like other kids. He used to give answer with less confidence and used to reply on peeking at other classmates answer. When Alfred first enrolled with Math Monkey HoManTin center, he needed his parents assistance to finish his homework.

Now, after grasping the concepts of Addition and Number Bonds, we see wonderful improvement in him as he has gained a lot of confidence, getting much more disciplined and socializing with his classmates when playing the games. He no longer needs any help from his parents and feels proud of himself for finishing his work correctly and quickly to get another BIG sticker! With this much improvement, Alfred was the perfect choice for the star of October.

邱梓豪今年五歲,今年暑假入讀 Math Monkey 何文田分校。

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