Friday, November 11, 2011

Awarding Ceremony Of Vedic Math Competition 2011

The Awarding Ceremony Of Vedic Math Competition 2011 will be held on November 19, 2011 (Saturday) at 5 p.m. in HKCC West Kowloon Campus. All joined students and parents are welcome to bring relatives and friends to attend the awards ceremony!

The following is the information for the ceremony. If you have any question, please call your corresponding MathMonkey education center or 2307 1028 for more information.

DateNovember 19, 2011 (Saturday)
PlaceHKCC West Kowloon Campus, Room N203
Time : 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
ContentMath Games between all Math Monkey Centers, Guest Speaker, Ms Anita Chow shares on ‘How to start the potential of the brain and creative thinking?’, and the prize awarding ceremony on Vedic Math Competition 2011.

For more information, please visit

第三屆吠陀數學比賽 頒獎典禮將於1119(星期六)下午五時在理大香港專上學院西九龍校園舉行,歡迎家長携帶親戚朋友莅臨參加頒獎典禮!

以下是 頒獎典禮的資料,如果您有任何問題,請打電話給您相應的 Math Monkey教育中心或致電2307 1028 查詢。

地點:理大香港專上學院 西九龍校園 N203
時間 : 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
內容:數學遊戲邀請賽、嘉賓周家儀小姐分享【如何啟動腦部潛力, 發揮創意思維】及第三屆吠陀數學比賽頒獎典禮儀式

如想知更多關於Math Monkey,歡迎瀏覽

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