聖誕節相信大家都過得很愉快,Math Monkey 的小朋友也不例外, Math Monkey 九龍灣分校在聖誕節當日被寶貝動力有限公司邀請於九龍灣展覽中心擔任 “聖誕親子運動會” 嘉賓。我們的學生以遊戲形式示範 Vedic Math (吠陀數學)的準確性和速度,Anthony 哥哥更邀請小朋友們一起上台計數及玩遊戲, 玩得十分開心投入。 如有興趣重温當日相片, 歡迎瀏覽數猴皇網址。
如想知更多關於兒童數學的資料,請瀏覽 Math Monkey 網址。
Math Monkey Education Center Hong Kong is an academic enrichment program which teaches a cool math called Vedic Math. We not only teach children mathematics from kindergarten math to primary school math, but also provide the franchise opportunities in Hong Kong to teachers or parents who want to start their own business. Math Monkey has many fun games and fun math for kids.