Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Party at Math Monkey Education Centers

Christmas is a happy season to everybody, especially to children. I believe everyone knows Santa Clause. It is said that Santa Clause will come with his reindeer and sleigh loaded with gifts that are prepared for good children on Christmas Eve night.  He will quietly climb into children's room through the chimney, and put the gift inside the stockings besides the child's bed.  Children will prepare the colorful stockings and a glass of warm milk to Santa Each kid can't wait to open their gift next day.  Christmas is a share of love to your families, friends and even to other people. It also symbolizes love, joy, peace, patience, gratitude, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and modest expectations. Math Monkey is now inviting you and your child to join our Christmas party at two of our centers, Kowloon Bay and Chai Wan.  The details are as follows or visit Math Monkey website.

聖誕節是令人雀躍期待的日子,尤其是小孩子。相信大家對聖誕老人的事都耳熟能詳吧?據說平安夜的晚上,聖誕老人會駕著馴鹿雪橇滿載著禮物準備送給這一年來表現很好的小朋友,他會悄悄地從煙囪爬進屋內,將禮物塞進掛在床頭的襪子裡。所以孩子總會把一條條色彩繽紛的襪子掛在床頭,並在襪子旁邊放杯熱牛奶給勞苦功高的聖誕老人解渴,希望聖誕老人送份大禮給自己。隔天每個小朋友都急不及待地打開禮物,想知道自己得到什麼獎勵。聖誕節是一個大家分享彼此對於家人、朋友甚至於他人的愛與關懷的日子。它也象徵著人們對於仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、感恩、信實、溫柔的期待。Math Monkey現邀請您和您的孩子參加我們在九龍灣及柴灣分校舉行的聖誕派對,詳情如下瀏覽 Math Monkey 網址

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