Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Math Monkey Star of the Month - Marco Tong (湯寶俊)

The first impression of Marco Tong to teacher is a very quiet student.  After few months in class, he is not only enriched his knowledge in math but also enhance his speed of calculation.  Teacher believed the greatest progress for his improvement is increased his self-confidence in math and also presentation in front of class.  We are so impressed his improvement and enthusiasm in math.  We are proud to announce that Marco is deserved to be our Star of November and we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate him as he is one of our champion winners in Vedic Math Competition, 2011.  Congratulation! 
For more information about children math and vedic math, please visit

Math Monkey遊戲形式的學習中,不但豐富了湯寶俊在數學方面的知識,還提升了他運算的速度,各位老師都認為他最大的進步是增了自信心,他能在全班同學面前解釋如何運算數學題。自信心的提高,令他對數學有更多的興趣及熱情,更在本年度的第三屆吠陀數學比賽中贏取中級組別的總冠軍,成為我們實至名歸的十一月之星!

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