Monday, August 26, 2013

數猴皇每月之星Math Monkey Star of the Month – Adonis Chow (July 7月之星 2013)

Adonis Chow (5 years old) has been joining Math Monkey (Ho Man Tin) for about a year now. Over this year his concentration span, listening command had significant improvement from being urge to finish all the class works to now he can complete all work by himself without being push.

Adonis’s learning progress had proven by learning math is not only for adamancy knowledge, it can also improve his concentration and his confidence.

We are proud to announce Adonis Chow as our star of the month in July!

5歲的Adonis參加數猴皇(何文田)分校課程已有一年多, 剛參加時他於堂上活潑跳皮,容易分心,常常要老師在旁督促。 現在Adonis已經不再需要老師提醒,靠自己的能力,專心一意完成整份功課。


我們推薦Adonis為數猴皇的7月之星, 希望藉著Adonis的學習經歷,令同學明白原來專注力除了可以換取知識,更可以換來更多玩樂時間,令學習事半功倍。

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