Monday, March 24, 2014

數猴皇每月之星Math Monkey Star of the Month - 黃浚栢Justin Wong

Congratulations! February’s "Star of the Month" is Justin Wong from Tin Hau Center! Justin is six years old, he studies in North Point Methodist Primary School. He has joined Math Monkey Education Center (Tin Hau) for four months. He is taking Lemur course currently.
Justin is polite and diligent, his performance in class has been outstanding.  He is very active and participative in class. He can understand Vedic Math concept well and apply different ways to solving math problems. Justin also reacts fast in games, and he can explore the co-relations between games rules and winning strategy.
Math Monkey has been encouraging children to pay attention to the game rules, because game-based learning effectively enhances the development of MathBrain. Justin’s good attitude during the game reflects Math Monkey’s philosophy of education - Integrating learning with fun! Justin is a good role model for his classmates! Keep it up!
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