Saturday, June 21, 2014

數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星Math Monkey Star of the Month - 郭爾帆Ethan Kwok (May 2014)

爾帆今年四歲,是約克國際幼稚園的學生,在數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心(九龍灣分校)學習已有半年,現就讀Green Monkeys 課程。爾帆十分享受每星期的課堂,認為在學習數學的同時能夠玩不同的數學遊戲,覺得學習不再枯燥乏味。
除了爾帆,他的媽媽亦認為爾帆自從入讀Math Monkey後大有進步。爾帆現在會主動跟家人及同學溝通,媽媽認為Math Monkey 能提供一個輕鬆愉快的環境讓小朋友學習數學,而小班教學形式能讓老師更留意每位學生的進度。

Ethan is four years old, a student from York Kindergarten. He has joined Math Monkey Education Center (Kowloon Bay) for half a year and now he is studying Green Monkeys level. 
Ethan enjoys the classes in Math Monkey and he thinks the classes are interesting because he can play different games in the meantime to learn Math. During the lessons, Ethan can also have chances to do presentations to enhance his communication skills. Ethan is a real role model to the classmates. 
Ethan's mother agrees that Ethan has a great improvement since he studied in Math Monkey program. Ethan becomes more proactive in communicating with his parents and friends.  Nevertheless, Math Monkey creates a fun and safe learning atmosphere for the students.  
Small class scale allows the teacher be attentive to individual student easily. Furthermore, Math Monkey suggests- integrating learning with fun, Ethan has a great improvement in this month and be our "Star of the Month".

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