Monday, September 30, 2013

數猴皇每月之星Math Monkey Star of the Month – Rachael (Aug 8月之星 2013)

When Rachael first joined Math Monkey program in our Wan Chai Center about 6 months ago, she was rather dependent on the teacher and reluctant to do assignments on her own, but in the past few months, she is able to complete the tasks on her own and has become very confident on her answers.

Her accuracy has also improved. Rachael also enjoys being the teacher’s assistant in class and in helping other classmates when she is the first who finishes her work.

We are proud of her progress. Keep up the good job Rachael!

Rachael 在6個月前參加數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心(灣仔)分校課程,剛參加時Rachael比較容易分心並依賴老師在旁督促。

近月來老師注意到她有明顯的進步,可以獨立地完成她的作業, 回答問題時的自信及準確性也提高了。

Rachael也喜歡扮演小老師的角色, 樂意幫助她的同學,目睹她的進步令我們十分鼓舞。 Rachael 繼續加油!

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