Thursday, April 17, 2014

數猴皇每月之星 Math Monkey Star of the Month - Elizabeth (March 2014)

Elizabeth在我們的數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心 (灣仔分校) 學習已有一年多。 她的老師Ms. Carolyn說,Elizabeth一直是一個好學生,看著她在學習中成長,並且有效地掌握所學的吠陀數學技巧, 所以提名她為3月的「每月之星」。

Elizabeth的母親告訴我們,Elizabeth能夠將她在Math Monkey 學到的數學概念運用在她的功課和日常生活上,因此,她對Elizabeth的表現亦感到高興及鼓舞。

Elizabeth 在剛舉辦的笫五屆吠陀數學比賽奪得Green Monkeys組的金牌,灣仔分校團隊們皆以她為傲!

Elizabeth has been studying the Math Monkey program at our Wanchai centre for more than a year until now. Her teacher, Ms. Carolyn, says that Elizabeth has been a diligent student and has learnt Vedic Math concept well.

Elizabeth’s mother, Mrs. Wan, has told us that Elizabeth is able to adequately apply the Vedic Math concept in her school work and her daily life. She is pleased with Elizabeth’s progress so far.

Elizabeth is a Gold Award winner at the recent Vedic Math Competition. The team at the Wanchai centre is very proud of her! 

For more details about math monkey , please visit

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