Friday, July 18, 2014

老師的話 Testimonial from Teachers


We would like to express our gratitude to our teaching team for their support. 
We will try our best to do better!

  Nancy Chung, 數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心荃灣分校經理

我從小到大的願望就是做老師,很榮幸今天我能加入Math Monkey成為其中一位老師。

Math Monkey的活動教學,令我發現幼兒教育原來可以與別不同。亞洲區的教育普遍要求小朋友守規矩、坐正身子,所以一般的小朋友上課都比較文靜、不敢發聲,導致他們參與度不足,無法全情投入。小朋友對新事物缺乏趣味,慢慢就變成家長「強迫」才學習,處理得不好可能更成反效果。

而Math Monkey的「遊戲中學習」理念就可以幫助小朋友從內到外有明顯的進步,更可以逐漸建立自信心,經過一段時間後,小朋友能自己去發掘、思索理解,比「迫」他讀有更可觀的進步空間。

Nancy Chung, Center Manager of Math Monkey Tsuen Wan 

Being a teacher is my childhood dream, thus I am honored to join Math Monkey today as one of the teachers. The Activities Teaching of Math Monkey makes me discover the difference of Early Childhood Education. 

In general, Asian education requires quiet children, sit upright, and thus children are relatively quiet and not eager to raise questions, resulting in insufficient participation. 

If children lack interest in new things, parents have to force them to learn, and without proper supervision, this may generate adverse effect. 

Math Monkey's "Game based learning" concept can help children achieve significant progress.

想了解更多math monkey, 請瀏覽 :

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