Friday, August 22, 2014


數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星 - Wong, Ho Him (Curtis) 

Curtis Wong, 現就讀數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心荃灣分校,他擁有強烈的數字意識及濃厚的數學興趣。因為如此,他總能在班內甚至乎數學比賽及考試,表現得比他人鎮定及細心,迅速而又準確。

在過往兩年內,所有接觸過他的老師,無一不屈指稱讚他為好學生。再一次恭喜Curtis Wong同學,成為我們的7月之星。

想查詢更多有關數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心,請瀏覽 : ===============================

Wong, Ho Him (Curtis) has been studying at Math Monkey Education Center (Tsuen Wan) for almost two years and he is studying in Orangutan level.

Curtis is a smart and attentive boy.  Teachers are so impressed his proactive learning behavior that enriched his knowledge in math and also enhance his calculation speed and accuracy.  Curtis can solve the math problems quickly and he is also willing to help his classmates in class. 

We are proud to announce that Curtis is our Star of the Month in July.

For more details about math monkey , please visit :

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