Wednesday, December 17, 2014

數猴皇每月之星 - Fung Fung (紅磡分校@11月 2014

光陰似箭,轉眼已來到十二月這個浪漫的季節,相信大家都很期待十一月的每月之星到底花落誰家呢? 他就是來自數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心紅磡分校的Fung Fung!

Fung Fung於紅磡Math Monkey分校學習接近半年時間,在Lydia老師悉心指導下,成功令他自發性學習,完成課堂練習的速度越來越快。Fung Fung媽媽表示他的專注力和記憶力有明顯的進步,學校的成績和表現更是大躍進,讚揚Math Monkey對他在學習的路途上有莫大裨益! Fung Fung每次來到Math Monkey後都不願離去,因為他說很喜歡在這裡一邊玩遊戲,一邊學數學! 我們聽到Fung Fung的說話也倍感欣慰,並承諾會繼續努力,繼續令其他孩子愛上數學!


Time flies, we are already in this romantic December. We are sure that you are wondering about who is our “Star of Month” in November. He is Fung Fung from Hung Hom Math Monkey MathBrain Centre!

Fung Fung has been learning at Hung Hom centre since six months ago, Teacher Lydia successfully let him achieve inner motivation to learn, he can settle the math problem faster than before. Fung Fung’s mother said that there is an obvious improvement, especially in his attention and memory ability, and she appreciates that Math Monkey benefits him a lot in getting better result and performance in school. Fung Fung loves Math Monkey so much because he can play games and learn math at the same time! We are really gratified to know Fung Fung’s comment, and we promise that we will keep trying our best to make children to love Math!

If you want to know more about our Star of the Month, please visit

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