Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Math Monkey Star of the Month 數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星— Jocelyn Kwok

Math Monkey Star of the Month – Jocelyn Kwok

數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星 Jocelyn Kwok

Jocelyn joined the Orangutan summary class in the Math Monkey Wan Chai center back in May.  Her mother’s concern was mainly about the accuracy of her calculations in her homework.  After just 2 months, we have seen an improvement in the speed and accuracy of Jocelyn’s calculations using Vedic techniques she has learnt from the class. She was able to use the techniques in her school exam too and fared well.  During class, we have noticed Jocelyn’s positive approach towards handling complex math problems. She is more willing to tackle difficult problems using the Vedic techniques she has learnt and there is an evident improvement in her confidence level. Keep up with the good work Jocelyn!

For details, please visit: www.mathmonkey.com.hk

Jocelyn自五月份起報讀了數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心灣仔分校之Orangutan summary(小三)課程。郭太希望透過此課程提升Jocelyn數學計算速度及準確度。經過十數課堂後,Jocelyn能有效地掌握所學的吠陀數學技巧,並嘗試應用於家課和考試上。據悉,Jocelyn 本學期的數學成績有進步。據老師課堂上所觀察,當遇到較難的數學題時,Jocelyn會運用所學會了吠陀數學技巧來拆解問題,計算出答案,自信心明顯地增了。


詢更多有關數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心,請瀏覽 www.mathmonkey.com.hk

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