Wednesday, September 24, 2014

數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星 - Keith Li (8月之星2014)

Keith Li 在數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心(九龍灣)分校學習已差不多有兩年時間,現已達到gorilla level。他認為在數猴皇學習十分開心,因他可以從不同遊戲中學習數學,令他覺得學習數學不再沉悶。


Keith 的母親認為數猴皇可滿足孩子的需要,以輕鬆愉快形式學習數學,取代傳統操練式學習法,反而令到他因而愛上數學,成績亦大有進步。

Keith 的努力令到老師們皆推薦他成為我們的8月之星,再一次恭喜Keith同學。

Keith has been studying at Math Monkey Education Center (Kowloon Bay) for almost 2 years and he has just moved up to Gorilla Level. During the lessons, Keith enjoys learning math even more with various kinds of math games.

Now he can use Vedic Math to handle different math questions and crosscheck the answers with confidence. Besides math, his English has also improved because the Math Monkey classes are conducted in English.

Nevertheless, Keith’s mother is so grateful to see Keith become more positive in learning math, and his remarkable improvement in this couple of years.

We are happy to see Keith’s effort and improvement. Congratulations to him that he becomes “Star of the Month” in August.


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