Thursday, November 13, 2014


在昨天的課堂裡,學生透過遊戲學習列出數字和寫出數目字1,2,3,4,老師將寫上數目字的動物磁石放在白板上,而學生以相應數量的磁石貼在不同的動物磁石旁邊作配對,我們希望以有趣的教學形式讓小朋友開心學數學,獲得滿滿的成功感! (九龍灣分校)


In yesterday lesson, students learnt how to list and write the number through playing game. Teacher put different animal magnets on the whiteboard, and students just made use of some simple circle magnet to match with the number on the animal magnets, we want to provide a happy way for children to learn Math, and get fully sense of success. (Kowloon Bay Center)

To know more about Math Monkey, please

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