Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Hayden Huang - 數猴皇每月之星 (來自數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心灣仔分校)

讓我們拍手鼓掌,恭喜Hayden Huang小朋友成為數猴皇的十月之星! Hayden在數猴皇灣仔分校學習有接近2年時間,能見證住他的明顯進步,老師們都十分高興。Hayden現時擁有很強的專注力,能夠獨立完成老師分配的課堂工作 ,與其他同學玩耍時亦非常愉快融洽。當我們問及Hayden對數猴皇有什麼感受時,他雀躍地表示能在數猴皇同時學習數學及玩遊戲,可以得到很大的滿足感和樂趣。此外,Hayden亦表示自己在數猴皇學習後,比起其他學校裡的同學聰敏,老師們對於Hayden的傑出表現都感到驕傲,我們都深信Hayden在未來都一定可以保持其優異的表現,走出精彩人生!


A round of applause for Hayden Huang, our “Star of Month” in October! Hayden has been attending math classes at our Wan Chai Centre for almost 2 years and we are very happy to see his improvement during this period. Hayden is attentive and very independent when doing his work and very cooperative when playing games with his classmates. When we asked Hayden of his feeling for our classes, he excitedly answered that he has great fun learning math and playing games at the same time in Math Monkey! Besides, he thinks that learning math here makes him smarter than his friends in school. We are very proud of his achievements, and we are sure that Hayden can maintain such excellent performance in the future!

To know more about our Star of Month, please visit

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