Friday, October 05, 2012

Math Monkey Star of the Month - Owen Tse 數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心每月之星- Owen Tse

Owen is 5 years old and has joined Math Monkey Tsuen Wan Center since 2011.  Teacher found Owen is not only enriched his knowledge in math in past year but also enhance his speed of calculation.  We believed the greatest progress for his improvement is increased his self-confidence in math and also presentation in front of class.  We are so impressed his improvement and enthusiasm in math.  We are proud to announce that Owen is deserved to be our Star of September.  Congratulations!
For more details about Vedic Math, please visit

Owen今年5, 在荃灣分校過去一年,他不但豐富了在數學方面的知識,還提升了他運算的速度,而各位老師都認為他最大的進步還是增加了自我的信心,從而令他對數學有更多的興趣及熱情, 因此獲選為Math Monkey的九月之星 。想知道更多關於吠陀數學的資訊,請瀏覽

Owen今年5, 在荃湾分校过去一年,他不但丰富了在数学方面的知识,还提升了他运算的速度,而各位老师都认为他最大的进步还是增加了自我的信心,从而令他对数学有更多的兴趣及热情, 因此获选为Math Monkey的九月之星。想知道更多关于吠陀数学的资讯​​,请浏览

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