Friday, October 17, 2014

Math Monkey 9月的每月之星 ----Hayley Au Yeung

首先要恭喜我們9月的每月之星 ----Hayley Au Yeung ! Hayley現於數猴皇醒目兒童教育中心 (九龍灣總校) 就讀 Green Monkey 課程,短短一年多的時間內,Hayley 由只認識數字1-10,進步至學懂兩位數的加法,不但豐富她的數學知識, 亦加強了個人的自信心。Hayley在家時更會主動向爸爸和妹妹出題,若妹妹有疑問,她都會耐心教導,與家人一同分享在課堂所學的知識。

Hayley媽媽說Hayley平時都很貪睡,但賴床的情況總不會出現在星期日,因為她不想錯過任何 Math Monkey的課堂。Hayley媽媽指出Hayley 在數學成績上有明顯進步,而個人表達技巧亦越見清晰,非常感謝Math Monkey老師的努力! 其實,能夠見證小朋友不停進步,對我們這些教育工作者來說是一種莫大的推動力,我們承諾會繼續努力不懈,讓小朋友輕鬆駕馭數學!

想了解更多有關Math Monkey的每月之星,請瀏灠

Congratulate to Hayley Au Yeung, our “Star of Month” in September! Hayley is now studying Green Monkey Level at Math Monkey Education Center (Kowloon Bay). Within a year, Hayley not only could just recognize number 1-10, but also can do the 2-digits addition by herself, which both enrich her math knowledge and confidence. Hayley like raising math questions to her dad and younger sister, she will patiently teach her sister if there are any problems, she loves to share what she learnt to her family.

Hayley’s mum said that Hayley loves sleeping so much, but there is an exception on Sunday morning, because Hayley doesn’t want to miss any Math Monkey lessons. Hayley’s mum points out that there is a significant improvement of her math results and personal presentation skill, she really appreciates the effort made by Math Monkey teachers! Actually, watching constant improvement of children is a kind of motivation towards us, we promise that we will keep going to let children master the math easily. 

To know more about the Star of Month of Math Monkey, please visit

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