Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Lucas Wai小朋友成為首位學生(九龍灣分校)以250張貼紙換得數猴皇特別大獎

恭喜Lucas Wai小朋友成為首位學生(九龍灣分校)以250張貼紙換得數猴皇特別大獎! Lucas常跟我們說要換到這份獎品,現在他成功了,他不但展示其優良的成績和良好的課堂表現,更堅持自己的信念,向大家證明了堅持是步向成功的一大因素。年紀輕輕能有如此魄力,絕對值得我們為Lucas鼓掌!


Congratulate to Lucas Wai, who is the first student (Kowloon Bay Centre) to get the Math Monkey Special Prize with 250 stickers! Lucas alway says that he wants to get this prize, he is finally succeeded, he presents not only his great result and good performance, but also his belief , which proves that insistence is a main step to success. Although Lucas is young, he can do this as well, it is worth for our clapping!

To get more information, please visit http://www.mathmonkey.com.hk/

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